on the mac it was under build essential
xubuntu_: Ouch! " dpkg -l nvidia* " again -> should be many!
XiXaQ: you need to recompile the kernel with the latest stable -4 mainline patchset, there are.deb packages there which you can install
Xenial Xerus
this sh script will pull the latest stable patchset (a number of days old)
sudo /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/check_system_upgrade
T-1000 using Ubuntu 16.10
Xan_: that's not a problem
it's fine
No errors though
Xan_: A good thing indeed - then pastebin'dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia '.
Xan_: it's just that you use an eoan kernel module and this module does not know what it is supposed to do with that kernel
Xan_: ^^ a good thing is a good thing :).
P nvidia-driver-340
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